Jaundice: High Serum Bilirubin 44.7 totally cured with homeopathy

Patient Story

Disease : Dengue,Chronic-Jaundice

Last Updated on : 24 Nov 2012

Case Started on : 28 Sep 2012

Baccha Ram came to consult Dr. Ravi at his Balrampur clinic on 28th September 2012. He was suffering from Jaundice. On asking when he got to know about Jaundice, he told that he is currently working in Ludhiana and one and half months back he felt weakness, body pain and couldn’t digest food. He feel like vomiting all the time and his body and eyes was turning pale yellow in color. When he consulted doctor there and gone through test. The doctor there confirmed jaundice by looking at test report. His Serum Bilirubin was increased with 44.7 mg/dL. It’s normal range is between 0.2 to 1 mg/dL. This was a serious concern as increased Bilirubin can cause liver damage. He consulted many doctors but there was no effect in his condition. He came back to his hometown Balrampur and there he came to know about Dr. Ravi and decided to take a proper treatment and get back to work when he will be totally fine. He also reported that he feel loss of appetite, weakness and itching all over his body. Dr. Ravi gone through the case in detail and started his treatment process.

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After 8 Days

When he came for follow up on 6th October 2012, there was a little bit of improvement in his condition. Previously his eyes were pale yellow but now eyes were showing slight recovery with light yellow color. On asking what are the changes he is feeling within himself in 1 week of starting treatment. He told that now he don’t feel weak but he complained that there is feeling of nausea when he eat something. Dr. Ravi made changes in his treatment process and assured him that he will be fine.

After 1 Month and 6 Days

When he came for follow up on 3rd November 2012, there was no sign of jaundice seen. His eyes were back to normal appearance. He reported no body pain and there is desire to eat food, he takes proper diet and he could now digest food without vomiting. But still his body felt weak. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment for better recovery.

After 1 Month and 27 Days

When he came for follow up on 24th November 2012, he reported no complaints and serum bilirubin in his reports was 1.3 mg/dl which was approximately normal. He has just recovered of jaundice but his body still feels weak sometimes. Dr. Ravi advised to take good care and take proper diet so, he could recover totally. He was happy with Dr. Ravi’s treatment and planning to go back to Ludhiana and join his job back there. Dr. Ravi suggested to go for serum Bilirubin test and show reports before going back to work. So, that his recovery could be analyzed.
Jaundice is just a sign of body letting you know about liver problems. The main cause is Hepatitis. So, if you are someone or you know someone who is dealing with jaundice then consult Dr. Ravi because it may cause inflammation in liver or liver damage.

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