Patient suffering from severe jaundice & typhoid totally cured in just 1 month

Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-Jaundice,Typhoid

Last Updated on : 01 Aug 2015

Case Started on : 10 Jul 2015

Jugal Kishor came to consult Dr. Ravi at his Balrampur clinic. He came with complaints of Jaundice and Typhoid. He is living in Mumbai and working there. He told that from 1 month he had fever daily and there was weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and body pain. He consulted local doctor there gone through test for jaundice & typhoid. His serum bilirubin was increased and his widal test was positive. The S.G.O.T & S.G.P.T test value was increased, it was 650 & 720 which is highest because it’s normal range is between 5 to 40. An increase in SGOT and SGPT tests means that liver cells are getting damaged. He consulted doctor in Mumbai but there was no improvement in his condition. He came back to his hometown Balrampur because no one was there to take his care. When he came he got to know about Dr. Ravi and without any doubt he visited Dr. Ravi clinic. Although Dr. Ravi was not there at the clinic but then with Dr. Ravi concern his treatment started.

After 1 week when he came again to consult Dr. Ravi on 10th July 2015. There was slight improvement in his jaundice but there was no effect in his typhoid. He reported relief in body pain and stomach ache. He told that there is desire to eat food, he feels hungry but after eating there is feeling of nausea and there is frequent urge to pass stool. Considering all his problems Dr. Ravi continued treatment for better recovery.

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After 14 Days

When he came for follow up on 24th July 2015, he reported relief no body pain and stomach ache. Previously, he was suffering from fever daily but now he doesn’t feel rise in his body temperature. There was improvement in his appetite and there is desire to eat food, he takes proper diet and he could now digest food without vomiting. But still his body felt weak. There was also improvement in jaundice. His eyes were back to normal appearance and now his urine is also clear. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment for better recovery.

After 22 Days

He came to consult Dr. Ravi on 1st August 2015 with his typhoid and Jaundice test report. His serum bilirubin, S.G.O.T & S.G.P.T test value was approximately normal. From 650 & 720 it was decreased to 33 and 36 which was almost normal. He was totally recovered in just 1 month of starting Dr. Ravi treatment. He reported that sometimes he feel pain and whenever some physical work is involved there is increase in pain. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment for better recovery. He continued treatment for few more days to avoid recurrence. Once he was totally cured he went back to Mumbai.

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