Patient Story
Disease : Chronic-Hyperlinear Palm
Last Updated on : 22 Jun 2011
Case Started on : 17 Mar 2010
This is the story of a 9 years old girl who came to Dr.Ravi's Lucknow Clinic for her skin complaints. She was suffering from psoriasis for more than 6 months. She tried so many medications and visited many renowned Skin doctors as well but no relief. They said that there was no cure for Psoriasis. She had to take allopathic medicines for the whole of her life. While talking to her she told that she also had Hyper linear palm for about a couple of months. She was much afraid of this disease.
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin. Psoriasis typically affects the outside of the elbows, knees or scalp, though it can appear on any location. Some people report that psoriasis is itchy, burns and stings. It speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are itchy and sometimes painful. Psoriasis treatments include steroid creams, occlusion, light therapy and oral medications, such as biologics.
Patient Images
After 3 Months and 17 Days
The patient was having visible changes in her palm. Linear lines over the palm were visibly less this time. She was very happy as she need not restrict her work due to her palm's skin condition. Skin over the hand was quite better and smooth.
After 6 Months and 8 Days
The patient came and told that hyper linear palm is perfectly fine but her psoriatic eruption are not having any difference sing long. Even a few of eruptions at feet started to bleed after scratching. Toes seemed to swell due to itching and scratching.
After 6 Months and 23 Days
Eruptions were dried this time but the itching was still a big problem. As soon as eruptions were drying itching was increasing. She had to apply something to moisturize it along with it's healing. She was asked not to apply anything other than coconut oil. Again asked to visit after a month.
After 8 Months
During this visit, Patient's eruptions were dried up. The skin was looking healthier and there was no discharge from lesions. Her toes were dried up so she could easily carry her school shoes. She was quite happy that she was getting positive results.
After 9 Months and 12 Days
This was her 5 th visit, her hyper linear palm was gone completely. Her psoriasis was getting fine day by day. She reported the total recovery in her case of severe psoriasis. Almost all the spots disappeared and her skin came back to normal from ugly patches and scarring skin.
After 11 Months and 28 Days
It was her 6 th visit on 10 March 2011, her skin was visibly shinner and healthier. Now her psoriasis is completely cured. The treatment was continued for few more months for no recurrence.
After 1 Year , 3 Months and 7 Days
She came on 22 th June of 2011, she was quite happy that she was completely free from Psoriasis without any recurrence. Since last few months no any new complaint was there. So finally case was cured