Patient Story

Disease : Dandruff,Chronic-CSF Rhinorrhea ,Hair fall
Last Updated on : 19 Apr 2023
Case Started on : 02 Apr 2019
Hahnemann’s Blessings on World Homoeopathic Day
On 2nd April one lady from Distt Balia reached Dr.Ravi's clinic.
As soon Dr. Ravi has seen her guessed the problem as CSF RHINORRHEA- a potentially dangerous condition where due to dehiscence in a base of brain cause leakage of cerebrospinal fluid via the nose.
She has packed her right nostril with cotton tightly as the fluid leak was dripping like from tap.
She then showed the report of Doctor from Distt Hospital of Balia where he has written a provisional diagnosis of CSF RHINORRHEA and advised for a test. She also told that at his stage she must undergo surgery.
She was shocked when Dr.ravi have said to her for such grave disease, he was going to treat her without any oral medicine with just a single piece of hair.
Anyhow he agreed to take treatment to avoid surgery.
She has been advised for CT CISTERNOGRAPHY which has been next day at Lucknow.
CT revealed BONY DEHISCENCE IN THE FLOOR OF ANTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSA, leakage of contrast opacified CSF is seen through the bony defect.
Her treatment started and from next day she started getting relief, now today on request she sends her video about relief and her experience about medicine Transmission through hair.
Watch out.
We don’t claim to treat every case with the same results but as in homeopathy outcome is always individual.
Patient Images
Patient Videos
After 2 Days
As per the advice of Dr. Ravi, the patient has gone for its diagnostic test CT CISTERNOGRAPHY to find out exact spots of leakage. It revealed body dehiscence at the base of the brain
After 6 Days
Patient happily reported over phone CSF leakage stopped since yesterday.
After 8 Days
The world was celebrating World Homeopathic day as the birthday of its Founder Dr. Samel Chricthian Fredrick Hahnemann and with utmost joy Dr.Ravi received the video over Whatsapp of this lady giving her condition update and testimonial. Her CSF leak stopped just next day at the start of her transmission. She has no more CSF leak since last 3 days and no requirement of cotton plug in the nostril.
After 24 Days
Called over Whatsapp Video.
She is fearing about CSF leak, sometimes there is itching at the forehead, but no CSF leak
Treatment continued
After 3 Months and 14 Days
Patient-reported over the phone there is no CSF leak since she reported last over the phone at the clinic. Transmission continued with the same medicine.
After 4 Months and 26 Days
Over the regular phone followup call from Clinic patient told that no CSF leak past few months.
After 5 Months and 18 Days
Today on 17th Sep 2019 Shikha has been called from the clinic over Whatsapp for followup and She has informed us that there is no leak of CSF from the nose for the last 3 months, not a single drop. She is very happy with the progress hence wished to stop the treatment, but Dr. Ravi has advised him to continue for 3 months and advised for CT cisternography for the exact prognosis of the case.
Treatment continued with the same medicine transmission
After 8 Months and 13 Days
Today on 11/12/2019 We have called Shikha for followup over Whatsapp video call She is doing absolutely wonderful with our treatment. There is no CSF leak. She has been advised for CT cisternography for confirmation of cure. She reported no other complaints. The transmission has been stopped from our end as per her request.
After 2 Years , 7 Months and 20 Days
Dr Ravi talked with the patient over a zoom call on 17 Nov 2021
She has no complaint of CSF Rhinorrhea now. Very happy with the treatment.
Her dandruff and hair fall complaint also got cured.