Visible recovery in case of Herpes followed by lip vitiligo with homeopathy

Patient Story

Disease : Herpes Simplex,Chronic-Vitiligo

Last Updated on : 29 May 2011

Case Started on : 09 Jan 2010

Nasir came to consult Dr. Ravi on 9th January 2010 with complaints of vitiligo. The vitiligo marks were at both the corner of lips, fingers of the hand and at the toes. On asking how this problem started, he told initially it started with small pimple like blisters and there was burning pain around the blisters, itching near the lips which outbursts and turned into white spots after few months. Dr. Ravi diagnosed it as herpes labialis. Dr. Ravi analyzed his case in totality and started his treatment process.

Patient Images

After 1 Month and 27 Days

He came for follow up on 7th March 2010 & 21st March 2010 simultaneously. There was improvement seen in his lip vitiligo. There was no recurrence of herpes seen. The white spots at the corner of the lips started diminishing. There was improvement seen in the white spots on his fingers and toes. There were brown dots seen at the affected area, which was completely showing that his treatment is going in the right direction. Dr. Ravi made changes in his treatment process for better and complete recovery.

After 3 Months and 9 Days

He came for follow up on 18th April 2010, there was observed recovery seen. Vitiligo on outside of the lips totally got cured. Only a small white spot left at the corner of the lip. The white spots at the toes of right leg totally got cured. Only a few spots left at his left toes. There was observed improvement seen on the fingers of the hands. He reported small white spot on the hand. Dr. Ravi made changes in his treatment process for complete recovery.

After 5 Months and 26 Days

He came for follow up visit in the month of July and August simultaneously and reported improvement. The lip vitiligo was almost cured. White spots on the toes totally got vanished. Although herpes are the recurrence disease but there was no recurrence seen in his case. Few white spots were left on the hand. He continued treatment for full recovery and to avoid recurrence.

After 10 Months and 17 Days

He came for follow up on 22nd November 2010, he was totally cured of lip vitiligo, vitiligo on the fingers and toes. There was observed recovery seen in this case. There was no recurrence of herpes seen. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment in order to avoid recurrence. But he insisted to stop treatment.

After 1 Year , 1 Month and 27 Days

As he stopped treatment, there was recurrence seen and he again visited Dr. Ravi clinic on 7th March 2011. This time again it started with herpes (tiny small blisters) and broke out into white spots. This time white spots expanded more rapidly at the same areas. On his fingers, toes and lips. Dr. Ravi told him to make continuity in treatment process in order to avoid recurrence completely. His treatment process again started.

After 1 Year , 4 Months and 20 Days

He was monthly visiting for follow up visits and when he came for follow up on 29th May 2011, there was improvement seen. His lip vitiligo was totally cured. The white spots on his fingers were filled with brown spots. It was mixing in the skin color. There was no recurrence herpe was seen. He continued treatment for some more months and stopped after that.

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