Full recovery in case of ABCD (Airborne Contact Dermatitis) and Phrenoderma with homeopathy

Patient Story

Disease : Phrenoderma,Air Born Contact Dermatitis (ABCD),Acanthosis Nigricans,Chronic-Allergic Dermatitis

Last Updated on : 13 May 2024

Case Started on : 08 Sep 2016

A small girl Aditi was suffering from ABCD (Airborne Contact Dermatitis). This disease is a form of contact dermatitis which originates from air borne allergens like dust, sprays, pollens etc. This disease affect exposed body area. This girl face was fully affected from the contact dermatitis. The skin was red, rough and dead skin was seen mostly under the eye area and cheeks. ABCD is contact dermatitis, so she can’t play with her friends and go to school. Her parents consulted many doctors but there was no improvement seen. They got to know about Dr. Ravi and his treatment process and contacted him through online consultation. They sent him photographs on 8th November 2016. Dr. Ravi analyzed her case in totality and started his treatment process.

After 3 Months and 9 Days

There was improvement seen in the photograph which her father had sent to Dr. Ravi on 16th December 2016. There was no eruption seen. The redness and dead skin was removed. There was only somewhat dry skin left. Dr. Ravi suggested her parents to continue Aditi treatment process for full complete cure.

After 10 Months and 18 Days

They continued treatment for some months and stopped when she was fully cured. They again came to consult Dr. Ravi on 23rd July 2017 for Phrynoderma, it is a nutritional deficiency. She was having small keratotic plug (scaly and horn like lesions) which block the follicle opening develop on the skin. Patches were on the back and front of the knees. Analyzing her case in totality Dr. Ravi started her treatment process. She was completely cured of ABCD. It has been almost 1 year of treatment being stopped and there was no recurrence seen.

After 1 Year , 7 Months and 18 Days

She came for follow up on 24th April 2018 and 10th July 2018 and her feedback was positive. There was improvement seen in her phrynoderma in these 2months. The eruptions were almost gone and there was no recurrence seen in her ABCD. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment for complete cure and advised to take care of nutritional intake, especially vitamin A in order to avoid recurrence in the future.

She was fully cured and there was no recurrence seen in her ABCD and phrynoderma. She got complete cure so her treatment stopped.

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