Severe Malaria & Jaundice patient cured in 1 month

Patient Story

Disease : Malaria,Chronic-Jaundice,Chronic-Kidney Stone

Last Updated on : 12 Jul 2013

Case Started on : 07 Jun 2013

This is the story of 30 years old Zuber Ahmed. He worked in a hotel at Mumbai for 1.5 years. When he was in Mumbai, he complained of pain in legs and vomiting. He mentioned that he could not digest the food. He consulted a doctor there. They suggested some tests. The reports suggested jaundice and malaria. The doctor prescribed some medications and re-called him after 10 days. He took the medicines for 10 days but saw no improvement. Though the signs and symptoms of malaria showed a little improvement, jaundice flared.
He then decided to seek treatment in Lucknow as he did not trust anyone in Mumbai.

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After 7 Days

After 1 week, when he met the doctor on 14th June 2013, he was visibly happy with the treatment process. He showed massive improvement in a week's time. When he first consulted the doctor, he mentioned that he could not digest food and never feel like eating. He showed a great improvement in that aspect too. He started taking proper diet. He complained of a bitter taste in the mouth and seeling nauseatic quite often.

After 1 Month and 5 Days

He came for a follow-up on 12th July 2013 along with the reports of jaundice test. The reports showed a remarkable improvement. He was feeling better. There was no yellow discoloration in his eyes and that suggested an improvement in jaundice. There was an improvement in his digestion process too. He had started taking a good diet. He did not complain of nausea and bitter taste in the mouth. He was happy with the treatment process and planning to go back to Mumbai to resume his work.

A Message from Patient

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I was suffering from Jaundice and working at Mumbai, I was in bad condition and hence arrived at my native village of Distt Bahraich, someone has referred to me to Dr.Ravi and within a month I have been cured and returned back to Mumbai. This year I have been diagnosed with Kidney Stone which has also been cured by Dr.Ravi Sir

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