Complete Cure in case of Allergic Rhinitis with homeopathy

Patient Story

Disease : Allergic Rhinitis,Chronic-Chronic Allergic Rhinitis

Last Updated on : 23 Nov 2016

Case Started on : 09 Aug 2016

This patient came to consult Dr. Ravi at his Lucknow clinic on 9th August 2016. He was suffering from allergic rhinitis since 10 years. He told that it starts with a runny nose and itching in the nose. After sometime there is sneezing involved and there is continuous sneezing and his nose gets blocked. He also reported watery eyes. There was discomfort and uneasiness involved due to having cold all the time. He is totally relied on allopathic medicine. When he doesn't take medicine his condition get complicated. Dr. Ravi analyzed his case in totality and started his treatment process.

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After 24 Days

When he came for follow up on 2nd September 2016, he reported improvement in his condition. Initially he was taking medicine on alternate days to get control his allergic rhinitis. He reported that he was doing fine but at the 4th day he was in office and there was allergic rhinitis attack and he had to take medicine to avoid complications. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment for better recovery.

After 1 Month and 21 Days

When he came for follow up on 29th September 2016, he reported improvement in cold, runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes. Previously, he was taking medicine to avoid allergy on every alternate day but still he has to take medicine on 5th day. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment for better recovery and complete cure.

After 3 Months and 16 Days

When he came for follow up on 23rd November 2016, he was happy and fully satisfied with Dr. Ravi treatment process. He reported that he hasn't taken medicine from last 1 month and he is doing fine. The discomfort and uneasiness due to allergic rhinitis was totally gone. He even don’t remember that he was having any such problem. Dr. Ravi suggested to continue treatment to avoid any recurrence.

He continued treatment for some more days and as he was fully cured and stopped treatment.

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