Flat Warts for 9 Months Cured in 20 days

Patient Story

Disease : Wart

Last Updated on : 26 Aug 2019

Case Started on : 14 Jun 2019

Homeopathy is par excellence in the treatment of warts and medicine transmission through hair is just like a catalyst as per my experience.
This girl was suffering from *flat warts covering almost all over her face since last 9 month*. She came from a village Rajghat near Blp
She has been referred to Dr.Ravi by one of the greatful patient.
*But father was not agreeing with the treatment method by Sahni effect - medicine transmission through hair.*

As he has wasted lots of money for its Treatment and also Dr. Ravi have shown him some cured cases so finally he agreed to start treatment on 14/06/2019
Her treatment has been *started with transmission of selected medicine but after 14 days on 29/06/2019 he visited clinic of Balrampur as people at his village were giggling at him saying *you have been made fool* as to how it is possible to treat a disease without eating or applying for medicine by hair from 15 km

Dr Ravi was confident enough that medicine selection is right hence again tried to assure the poor father.

Today on 12/07/2019 they were waiting for Dr. Ravi at my Balrampur opd with another patient as his daughter has been cured by transmission and classical homeopathy.
Watch out and listen to the journey of the disease.

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Patient Videos

After 15 Days

On 29/06/2019 Patient again visited with father at the clinic. Lay people from the village were giving him reprimand that you have wasted your money, how a disease can be cured without earing or applying any medicine. One of the Doctor from the village also expressed the same concern. Dr.ravi was confident enough that his medicine selection was right hence he again advised him to wait and watch

After 21 Days

Father has informed at regular phone followup call from the clinic, almost all warts burst up and are drying.

After 28 Days

Father happily visited at the clinic with the patient, all the flat warts of her daughter has been cured. There was only some scar left with the classical homeopathic treatment with medicine transmission through hair. TNow they are praising the method of medicine transmission through hair.hey were now so convinced that one of the lady from the village has come for the treatment of her keloid post to herpes zoster. Treatment of girl continued to remove scars...

After 1 Month and 26 Days

This girl visited with her father at Dr.Ravi's Balrampur clinic on 09/08/2019. Her skin condition was perfect, all warts have gone, Skin condition was so well that not a single trace or scar has been observed. As she has been cured her treatment has been stopped from our end by removing her hair

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