Wart Since two years cured in two and half Month

Patient Story

Disease : Wart

Last Updated on : 20 Jun 2012

Case Started on : 28 Jul 2011

Wart although is just a cosmetic problem can cause lots of social and psychological stress in the person suffering with it. The wart can be a single tag to occupy the whole face or part of the body. They can vary in size, shape, and color. It is said that warts are caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV ) but why and how a person gets affected by it, is still a mystery. It may or may not be contagious.
This gentleman has visited Dr.ravi's old clinic at Marutipuram in the year 2011. Mr. Mishra is working in a nationalized bank as an Assistant manager and feel embarrassed due to this ugly warts. He was struggling hard with this skin condition for the last 2 years with various means but none seems to be useful. He ultimately wished to opt homeopathy and visited Dr.Rav't center. His treatment process has been started with the method of medicine transmission through hair.

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After 1 Month and 2 Days

After one Month patient reported at the clinic, there is no change in warts size and numbers since the last start of medicine. The case has been reanalyzed and medicine transmission has been changed to another medicine

After 3 Months and 6 Days

When he came for the follow-up on 1st Nov 2011, no warts were visible. He told the doctor that most of the warts had subsided in the last few weeks of the treatment. Gradually, they disappeared. It had been 15 days since warts completely disappeared.

After 10 Months and 28 Days

His treatment continued for one month in Nov and then the hair has been detached from the transmission set and treatment stopped from our end.
Mr. R K Mishra happily visited in the month of June 2012 at the clinic to collect the bill for reimbursement of the bill of the clinic from office. He said there has never been any recurrence of the condition. Happy patient

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