Chyluria - Milky Urine Disease Cured by Homeopathy and no effect of fat intake now

Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-Chyluria,Chronic-Hydrocoele

Last Updated on : 14 Mar 2021

Case Started on : 06 Mar 2019


A case of chyluria or milky Urine disease. Chyluria is the development of fistula between the lymphatic channel and urinary tract and fat drawn from the intestine in form of chylomicron are discharged in uring giving the appearance of milky urine.
Some times this chyle becomes thick and clots obstructing the urinary tract and may require catheterization.
Dr. Ravi has treated many patients of chyluria with great success with classical homeopathy and medicine transmission through hair.

This young man has visited at the clinic of Lucknow from Shahjahanpur on 6th March 2019.
He was suffering from this trouble for a few months but was in bad condition. He has complained of Milky Urine for few months and clots sometimes.
His case was well diagnosed and confirmed with lab reports.
In allopathy, Treatment is done by medicine Hetrazan but in the long term, results are not promising.
A surgical procedure is often performed in which betadine or Silver Nitrate is instilled in the kidney by endoscope obliterating the lymphatic channel, but this also gives temporary effect.

It took some time to convince this patient that Dr. Ravi is going to treat him by a piece of hair from Lucknow to Shahjahanpur without any oral medicine.
I have started his treatment on 6th march with the transmission of indicated medicine
On 27th March, he has reported no effect in the chyle discharge,
So Dr has reanalyzed his case and changed his medicine from Lyco 0/1 to Calc Carb 0/1 from Watch out his journey of disease to cure.

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Patient Videos

After 20 Days

At our regular phone followup call from Clinic Ashish Reported no effect at all in chyle

After 1 Month and 12 Days

At our regular followup call from the clinic, Ashish reported chyluria much better
after the change of medicine from 4th day improvement begins.

After 2 Months and 15 Days

Phone followup review
chyluria - better now
hydrocoele - same as before
low very low

After 3 Months and 20 Days

Phone followup

After 5 Months and 18 Days

Today on 21-08-2019 he has reported there is no chyle since the change of medicine on 27th march
He is taking normal fatty diet without chyle in the urine.
Fat is so much annoying for patients of chyluria that I have seen chyle from simple milk in tea.
As there is no improvement in Hydrocele, he has been advised to take the opinion of Surgeon
This case also shows the merits of medicine transmission that we can change the medicine from our center and it saves time and money of patients as well as of Dr.

After 2 Years and 9 Days

Our grateful patients sometimes visit along with some other patients about our fair treatment and services. On 14 March 2021, Ashish visited the clinic for the treatment of his relative.
When asked about the chyluria trouble, he said that his serious trouble chyluria never returned even after two post-treatment years.

He also shared the treatment experience about medicine transmission through hair.

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