Pompholyx or Dyshidrotic Eczema Getting Cured by Homeopathy

Patient Story

Disease : Pompholyx

Last Updated on : 02 Jul 2020

Case Started on : 16 Nov 2019

Pompholyx is a vesicobullous disorder of the palms and soles. The condition is hard to treat because of the peculiarities of the affected skin, namely the thick horny layer and richness of the sweat glands. Pompholyx is known as dyshidrotic eczema, it is characterized by recurrent pruritic, spongiotic vesicles of the palms and soles. The cause remains unknown, although various factors precipitate flares, including stress and such irritants as heat, humidity, and hot and cold weather.
This boy has presented at my Balrampur clinic on 16th Nov 2019 with bumps( vesicles) at palm and soles, these were itchy and painful. Dr. Ravi has seen many such cases and treated successfully with individual medicine including Natrum Mur, Silicea, and Rhus Tox. Dr.Ravi has started his treatment with Medicine transmission of Silicea 0/1. SELF MEDICATION NOT ADVISED AS EVERY PATIENT IN HOMEOPATHY REQUIRE THEIR INDIVIDUAL REMEDY
If one watches out the previous case study medicine was Rhus Tox and this case was under Silicea and this the beauty and uniqueness of homeopathy. Today on 13/12/2019 I Dr. Ravi again visited his Balrampur clinic and watch out how wonderfully he responded to SIMILIMUM .

Patient Images

Patient Videos

After 3 Days

Photos received at Whatsap, doing better.

After 28 Days

The patient visited at Balrampur clinic.
Doing much better in eruptions.
All the vesicles disappeared. The itching was gone.
No more complaints.

After 1 Month and 25 Days

visited at clinic , almost cured

After 2 Months and 23 Days

the patient visited at the clinic, he is doing wonderful, there is no eruption at hand and feet

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