Flat Warts for 3 years Cured by classical homeopathy and medicine transmission

Patient Story

Disease : Wart,Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media CSOM,Chronic-Verruca plana (plane warts)

Last Updated on : 28 Sep 2023

Case Started on : 04 Aug 2019

Here is the story of a young man who suffered from flat warts for more than three years. He has tried many treatments, his dermatologist after skin biopsy confirmed this as a case of flat warts. He didn't get any result from his treatment, and in fact, his condition got worse.
He then tried homeopathy and used many well-known medicines for warts like Thuja, Cauticum, and Antim crud but still didn't received any results. While browsing, he came across few real-time cured cases of flat warts by Dr.Ravi.
He visited from Varanasi to the clinic of Dr.Ravi at Lucknow.
Dr. Ravi explained to him the treatment procedure by medicine transmission through hair. After a deep case taking his treatment started. It took about eight months to find a suitable remedy for him and that worked wonderfully

Patient Images

Patient Videos

After 1 Month and 9 Days

No relief in warts

After 2 Months and 14 Days

Updated pictures

After 2 Months and 26 Days

reported no effect in wart, 10 din se kaan bah raha hai, baal bhi toot raha hai

After 7 Months and 7 Days

He reported at Phone no change in the condition. He shared few photos at Whatsapp.

After 11 Months and 1 Days

We have received the photographs of wart condition.
Warts are almost cured only the spots are remaining.
Still, ear CSOm is troubling him. Treatment continued.

After 1 Year and 27 Days

Now today on 30/08/2020, the patient reported at the Whatsapp at our followup that his warts disappeared, warts spots are diminished but not gone completely.

After 4 Years , 1 Month and 26 Days

The patient contacted again with Dr Ravi on 28 Sep 2023 and said thanks. His warts are cleared now. He never observed any recurrence.

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