Chyluria for 12 years and IBS getting relief from Day 1

Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-Chyluria,Chronic-IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome),Sinusitis

Last Updated on : 23 Oct 2024

Case Started on : 03 Mar 2021

Here is a story of a patient suffering from chyluria for the last 12 years. He visited many physicians of different therapeutic streams, but none could offer him a permanent result. One of the uro-surgeon has done a surgical procedure where Betadine or silver nitrate in inserted in the kidneys through the endoscope to obliterate lymphatic fistulas. This procedure also has not given him long-lasting relief. He was in despair condition and, with hopelessness, started crying before the patient.
By profession, he is a street vendor of clothes, and this trouble was hampering his work. His financial condition was also not sound, so he said that he thinks that he will never get cured.
With the complaint of chyluria, he also suffered from digestive disturbances and which ultimately turned into IBS.
Now the digestive trouble is like adding fuel to the fire.
He watched our youtube channel for longs, but no one believed that a hair would cure him without eating oral medicine. Finally, he requested a relative to accompany him from Samastipur to Lucknow.
They have been told about the mode of our treatment and assured for the best and quick recovery.
His treatment started on 3 March 2021, and on the followup call of 21 March 2021, he reported that from day one, he started recovering.

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After 0 Month

We educated our patients about our exclusive mode of treatment.
This case got treated by the method of medicine transmission through hair. It is a new homoeopathic treatment model, where one of the patient's hair gets placed and kept in a medicated vial. The patient will start getting the medication's effect in their body irrespective of the distance. Dynamic energy medicine is reaching the body of the patient without taking orally.

After 17 Days

On 20th March 2021, just after 17 days after we have started the medicine transmission of indicated medicine patient called and reported at the clinic that his chyle problem got resolved from day one of the start of the treatment. He further added he is also getting wonderful relief from the gastric trouble and IBS. He is feeling energetic. He testified the medicine transmission through the hair process and now propagating this method. He asked for the treatment possibility for his nephew for cerebral dysplasia.

After 2 Months and 14 Days

Dr Ravi talked with the patient over a zoom call. He is better in the condition. He said since the start of treatment he never experienced chyle in the urine.
He complained of UTI and drinking plenty of water advised.
Further, he reported weakness due to food restrictions, so we advised him to avoid fat and take plenty of protein in his diet.
Power in the medicine transmission set is being increased.

After 3 Years , 2 Months and 21 Days

Dr Ravi talked with patient over the zoom call on 22nd May . There is no chyle since 14 months. Patient is cheerful and evident from his face. He complained about flatulence and sinusitis. Treatment continued.

A Message from Patient

Chayluria troubled me for 12 years, injection of Bernadine also didn't helped me, then I reached Ravi Clinic Lucknow He assured me but his method of treatment with hair I never heard before. From the day my hair transmission started I never got chyle in urine. Amazing experience, no one trust me when I advocate the method, but for me it's lifesaving Thanks to team (Via Google)

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