Depression and anxiety cured successfully in 2 months

Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-Depression

Last Updated on : 17 Oct 2018

Case Started on : 09 Apr 2017

After a successful treatment of his son and wife, Rahul Dewal came to Dr. Ravi's Lucknow clinic on 9th April 2017. He was in depression. He also complained of urine infection. He took the treatment for the infection but was not satisfied. He complained of burning sensation after passing urine. He also mentioned the presence of a breathing problem. He told the doctor that he could not breathe as he feels difficulty in inhaling oxygen. After studying his case, Dr. Ravi started his treatment process.

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After 28 Days

When he came for a follow-up on 7th May 2017, there was an improvement in depression. There was no urine infection. He mentioned that his problem flared due to overthinking but he was feeling relaxed on the appointment. He shared his experience of going through the medicine transmission through hair saying that it is no less than a magic for him. He mentioned that he did research before going through the process. he added that the people do not believe when he tells them about medicine transmission through hair.

After 2 Months and 5 Days

When he came for a follow-up on 13th June 2017, the patient complained of weight loss and urine infection. He complained of burning sensation on passing urine. However, the patient overcame depression, which was his major problem.

After 3 Months and 8 Days

When he came for a follow-up on 16th July 2017, he reported an increase in weight. He did not complain of depression. Before taking the treatment, he could not even digest milk. whenever he would drink milk, he could not go to the office. But, post the treatment, he could easily digest milk.

After 1 Year , 6 Months and 11 Days

Visited clinic after one year and 3 months for his wife minor trouble. Saying today there is no problem of depression at all.
We often call our patients even after years to know about their condition.
Many times patients ask in curability session that whether they have to take medicine for the lifetime.
Most patients ask what will happen if they will stop the medication, is there any chance of recurrence of their disease.
In chronic disease, we assure according to disease condition for no recurrence.

A Message from Patient

My year-long depression was successfully cured by Dr. Ravi within a week. I am extremely grateful to him for giving me a new life. His drug transmission through hair is a magical and very effective way of treatment. I would suggest his visit to every sick person.

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