Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-CSF Rhinorrhea ,Chronic-Allergic Bronchitis,Hair fall,Chronic-Hypothyroidism,Chronic-Coccygodynia
Last Updated on : 17 Feb 2024
Case Started on : 06 Nov 2021
I feel blessed for being a homoeopath, and today on the first day of 2022, one of the patients said HAPPY NEW YEAR with gratefulness and made my day. Here is the case
CSF Rhinorrhea with body Defect
She is a patient of CSF Rhinorrhea from Rai Bareily; she visited our centre on 6 Nov 2021 after not getting Conservative treatment results. Her Nose was dripping like a tap while stooping.
This is a well-diagnosed case from Sahara Hospital.
Today on 11 Dec, Dr Ravi called the patient over a zoom call. She is delighted with the treatment outcome. She reported that she got instant relief in the condition of CSF rhinorrhea. She is feeling much better.
Today her husband also started his treatment of alopecia.
He already deposited hair at the clinic at the first visit of 6 Nov Usually; the patients tend to check the compatibility of the doctor with a patient then opt for another patient. Hence, her husband got convinced after seeing the result in her SURGICAL DISEASE CSF RHINORRHEA. Treatment started for him after a detailed case took over the phone.
Further, she revealed that she had already planned surgery for CSF rhinorrhea and returned from operation theatre due to headaches. As with such intense headaches, Anaesthetist didn't recommend Anaesthesia.
Fortunately, she came under the umbrella of Homeopathy and got cured.
She also admired the medicine transmission through hair, about which she was sceptical initially. She said no one still believes that the healing can be done from a distance; they say this as JAADU TONA.
Today on 1 Jan 2022, Dr Ravi talked with her over a zoom call.
The improvement moved 100% from 70% from the last follow-up.
Her CSF leak stopped completely.
She is thrilled with the treatment experience and thanks Dr Ravi for such treatment. Today, after a beautiful recovery by homoeopathy, she said that "no one gives importance to homoeopathy in such diseases." And now, she is a firm believer in homoeopathy.
Patient Images
Patient Videos
After 21 Days
At our regular phone followup call on 21 Nov She told the following to our tea member Dr Divya csf rhinorrhea- leakage kam hai pehle se
allergic bronchitis- same hai abhi
hairfall- same hai
hypothyroidism- check nai karaya
After 1 Month and 5 Days
Today on 11 Dec, Dr Ravi called the patient over a zoom call. She is delighted with the treatment outcome. She reported that she got instant relief in the condition of CSF rhinorrhea. She is feeling much better.
Today her husband also started his treatment of alopecia.
He already deposited hair at the clinic at the first visit of 6 Nov. Usually; the patients tend to check the compatibility of the doctor with a patient then opt for another patient. Hence, her husband got convinced after seeing the result in her SURGICAL DISEASE CSF RHINORRHEA. Treatment started for him after a detailed case took over the phone.
After 1 Month and 26 Days
Today on 1 Jan 2022, Dr Ravi talked with her over a zoom call.
The improvement moved 100% from 70% from the last follow-up.
Her CSF leak stopped completely.
She is thrilled with the treatment experience and thanks Dr Ravi for such treatment. Today, after a beautiful recovery by homoeopathy, she said that "no one gives importance to homoeopathy in such diseases." And now, she is a firm believer in homoeopathy.
After 4 Months and 14 Days
Dr Ravi talked with the patient over the zoom call. She is doing better and no csf leak observed since many months. Dr Ravi advised herto undergo CT Cisternography to know the condition of breach.
Because of the painful procedure she is not ready for the test.
Her Hypothyroid problem is now increased.
Her coccycodynia (tail bone pain) problem got relieved and cured
After 2 Years , 3 Months and 13 Days
Dr Ravi talked with patient over the zoom call on 17 Feb 2024.
Dr Ravi was taking the followup of her husband for treatment and he thanked Dr Ravi for saving life of her wife. She got cured and never observed any recurrence.