Flat Warts (Verruca Plana) for 3 Years Got cured in an online patient from Patna

Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-Verruca plana (plane warts)

Last Updated on : 04 Sep 2021

Case Started on : 12 Jul 2021

Here is another case of Flat warts or Veeruca plana from Patna. The sister of this boy got treated by us for her six years long Flat warts a few years back.
This young boy has been facing flat wart/plane warts or verruca plana for the last 3 years. His father used many homoeopathic medicines, including Thuja, Causticum etc., suggested by some youtube channels without any effect.
Finally, the father consulted with Dr Ravi as a last resort. They were well aware of our exclusive mode of treatment by Medicine transmission through hair.
They sent the hair by speed post, and after detailed case history, his unique medicine got selected, and medicine transmission started from our centre of Lucknow.
After Carcinosin and Lycopodium transmission's initial failure, Staphysagria got selected, and medicine transmission changed. This medicine proved as a curative, and all his warts got vanished.
We stopped the treatment from our end on 27 December 2021 by detaching his hair from the vial and washing that.

Patient Images

After 1 Month and 24 Days

We have received the photographs of the patient over Whatsapp, warts are not getting cured

After 2 Months and 26 Days

Pictures received at Whtsapp, no change in wart condition

After 4 Months and 5 Days

Father-I feel that this medicine effective for warts

After 5 Months and 17 Days

At our regular phone followup call from clinic they reported
Warts got cured.
They shared the pictures of the condition.

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