CSF Rhinorrhea for 3 Months cured in an online patient from Bengaluru

Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-CSF Rhinorrhea ,Chronic-Asthma

Last Updated on : 18 Mar 2023

Case Started on : 16 Apr 2022

Here is another successful case of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea or CSF rhinorrhea from the Desk of Dr Ravi. This patient from Bengaluru got treated online for his CSF rhinorrhea trouble.
This patient has been a known case of chronic allergic condition for more than three months, and a few Drs diagnosed with bronchial asthma and a few with allergic bronchitis. He also underwent many diagnostic tests, including the Pulmonary Function test and allergy test. For the past few weeks, he experienced unilateral nasal discharge.
He visited a few ENT surgeons who diagnosed the condition as CSF Rhinorrhea. He was referred to a higher centre for the diagnostic confirmation and advised for near specific diagnostic procedure as CT cisternography. Out of fear of anaesthesia, he didn't undergo that procedure and started finding an alternative solution. While browsing, he came across a few real-time cured cases of CSF Rhinorrhea from Dr Ravi's site and dropped the following email with reports as an attachment.

Dr Ravi,

Thank you for your video on CSF related information and curing patients with passion.

I do have the same related problem. symptoms matching 100%.
I have asthma complaint in the past , had undergone Nose surgery 10 years back
Now I was going through treatment for the last 3 months with ENT doctor seeing improvement.
Sweat around the backside of my head. Top head no sweat. water collection at the backside of the head most of the time.
Too much stress currently for last 6 months for various reasons.
Rest i don't have any other problem. other symptoms are mentioned in the prescription by Doctor.
I was talking R48 - Did not see much relief but i am talking continuously

I am sharing the document of the past history. pdf 1st page was not clear, So i am attaching 2 more documents separately.

Please let me know if you need any other information.

Best Regards,

Dr Ravi talked with the patient over the zoom call and watched the condition.
The patient was assured for the best results with homeopathy and assured. He got advised with our unique model of treatment by medicine transmission through hair.
He was amazed how he would get cured while sitting at Bengaluru from Lucknow to without taking any oral medication. Out of fear of surgery and anaesthesia, he took a chance to TRY THE NEW METHOD.
After a detailed case history taken by an assistant, Dr Pratibha Awasthi took the case in detail. After carefully analysing symptoms and repertorization, Nux Vomica emerged as a remedy.
After receiving his hair by speed post on 16 April 2022, his medicine Nux Vomica 0/1 got transmitted from our centre with his hair.

Patient Images

Patient Videos

After 21 Days

During our regular phone follow-up call on 7th May 2022, he told our Assistant Dr Divya.
since the last two days, there is leakage; there was no leakage in 15 days
feeling better, dizziness is not there, asthma- is slight better
The power in the transmission set increased by giving ten times jerk to the vial. He got advised to report again after 21 Days.

After 1 Month and 12 Days

On 28th May 2022, he told our assistant Doctor Divya that there had been no CSF leak since the last follow-up or power increase in the medication set.
Dr Ravi also talked with the patient over a zoom call. He thanked Dr Ravi for the excellent treatment and services by the clinic. He is getting amazed at how he got cured of the so-called surgical disease in such a short time. He wished that Dr Ravi could treat his mother for her osteoarthritis trouble.

After 2 Months and 28 Days

We received following message over the Whatsapp
Thank you for asking update on regular basis, I received call on Saturday. It was out of network coverage could not call back. Sorry for that.
Current update on heath:
No issue related – Cisterno ( no water dripping automatically)
-Asthma – It was too much congested 10 days back. Consulted Dr hear. Tuberclunium 1 m 1 does took. ( after that it was much better relaxed for week )
Again, the similar – chest congestion. Not much relief with inhalers which I take. It was raining for last 3-4 days so congestion is more. Wheezing is more. Stuffiness is there.
- Overall, I feel some reduction. This temporary issue is triggered – also more congestion during full moon day and no moon day .
Thank you Dr. Last 1 month. One layer of greezy type formed feeling on tongue and roof and most of overall area in mouth, which is reduced.
When I take little chilly type food, feel very much hot chilly in mouth.

After 5 Months and 18 Days

Dr Ravi talked with the patient over the zoom call on 1 October 2022.
He didn't experience any CSF leak since we started treatment. His condition got cured. He is thankful for the treatment.
He added that he is still facing a dust allergy that is causing congestion in the head. For the complaint of front sinusitis, he got a recommendation for steam inhalation. Further, medication for dust allergy and sinusitis got changed from our centre by washing the hair and putting hair in another medicine.

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