CSF Rhinorrhea for 10 Years getting cured

Patient Story

Disease : Chronic-CSF Rhinorrhea

Last Updated on : 15 Jun 2024

Case Started on : 10 Oct 2022

Sometimes patients come to us with a self-diagnosis with the help of google, and sometimes without brother/sister physicians. When patients are troubled with chronic diseases where they are told about the surgical solution or need to take medicine for a lifetime, they try to find some alternative therapy. Here comes the role of EVIDENCE-BASED HOMEOPATHY. Homoeopathy was blamed for ages, but it stood erect due to its wonderful results. With the advent of digital media, we can come before the world with evidence-based cases. At our clinic, we are doing our work with evidence-based results. The reason behind that is two
1- To make awareness that homeopathy is a wonderful system of medicine with excellent par results.
2- Medicine transmission through hair is a boon to suffering humanity.

Case Study :
This patient made contact at the clinic on 6th June 2022 for his years-long dripping nose, initially thought to be due to allergic rhinitis. He then got a self-made diagnosis via google that this may be something else or CSF rhinorrhea.
He contacted our clinic and narrated all the symptoms during a zoom video consultation.
Dr Ravi diagnosed the condition clinically as CSF rhinorrhea. He further advised a confirmatory CT cisternography for diagnostic purposes. Meanwhile, he was aware of the medicine transmission method of the clinic but was sceptical. At the same time, he got fed up with taking oral medicine for years together.
He fled and didn't contact me for months together.
On 7th Oct 2022, he again contacted the clinic and requested to start the treatement. After a detailed case history, we started his treatment by inserting his hair in vial containing indicated medicine.
He made a gradual recovery.

Patient Videos

After 23 Days

He reported at the Whatsapp there is again start of csf leak

After 1 Month and 9 Days

He reported over the phone call that there is CSF LEAK IN THE MORNING WITH MEDIUM SPEED

After 2 Months and 10 Days

On 19th Dec 2022, Dr Ravi talked with e patient over zoom call. He is now in Saudi Arabia doing a job. He reported that he is now free from any discharge from the nose. He said for the last month, he never observed any single drop of fluid from the nose.
He praised the method of medicine transmission through hair from Saudi Arabia.Treatment continued

After 5 Months and 19 Days

On 28th March 2023, Dr Ravi talked with the patient over zoom call. He is in Saudi Arabia and updated that he hadn't observed a CSF leak in the last five months. He is happy with the treatment outcome and said the treatment was "MIRACLE."
He further added how he self-diagnosed the condition as CSF Rhinorrhea by watching the educational content on the YouTube channel Dr Ravi.
Treatment continued

After 8 Months and 18 Days

Today on 25th June we have received the followup of patient over the Whatsapp. He is doing good, no CSf leak.

After 11 Months and 6 Days

Dr Ravi talked with patient over the zoom call on 11 Sep 2023. Hr is happy with the treatment outcome. There is no CSf leak for last 4 months.
Dr Ravi recommended to continue the treatment and the patient agreed for the same.

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Are You Readyto take the first step towards your cure?