Thank you for choosing Dr. Ravi for your medical care and treatment. Making an appointment with the doctor is easy.
To schedule your consultation, please fill the form below and select the date and time that best suits you. You can also call us at 7311-160-111 to schedule your appointment.
For your initial consultation you can either visit our clinic or join us online via FaceTime/Skype/WhatsApp video call (if you’re not available in town).
Schedule an Appointment
Provide Your Basic Details
You have consulted in the past as well. Are you taking this appointment for yourself or someone else?
Would you like to visit our clinic or would you like to do online followup?
Enter Name
Please select your disease and where are you from?
Please Select the Date and Time for Appointment
Would you like to visit our clinic or would you like to do online consultation?
How would like to pay the consulting fee ?
Please use the Payment Method bellow to pay your consultation fee: Rs 300
If you are in Lucknow city and want to make offline payment by visiting our clinic. Call us at 7311-160-111
Please use the Payment Method bellow to pay your consultation fee: $ 25.00
If you are visiting Lucknow & want to consult with Doctor in our clinic - please Call us at 7311-160-111 to confirm your appointment.

Thank you !
Your appointment has been scheduled successfully Please visit the clinic on scheduled date and time for initial consultation
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Thank you !
Your appointment has been scheduled successfully Please visit the clinic on scheduled date and time for consultation
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You already have an appointment scheduled with us. If you would like to re-schedule your appointment - please call on 7311-160-111 or email us at
Go to HomeWhat happens in the initial consulting session :
This is the beginning of the doctor patient relationship and it starts with listening to their pains and having an honest communication about their curability. Check out this video to get an idea about how our patients feel right after their first consulting session.

Common questions regarding your initial consulting session
Schedule a Consultation
Yes, if you have gone through any medical tests in the past, it is advisable to bring those medical reports along with you.
You can ask questions about your health issues and its curability.
If you have a prior scheduled appointment, you don’t have to wait in the queue. Please be on time for your appointment to avoid any hassle or delay.
No, the fee for initial consulting session is non-refundable.
You can visit our clinic directly for the consultation, but this can mean long wait time since we have to fit your consulting session into an already packed schedule. Therefore, to avoid any inconvenience, it is advisable to book your consultation as early as possible for the best selection of appointment times that are most convenient for you.
You can book your appointment slot online or you can call us at 7311-160-111 to schedule your appointment. Please be on time for your appointment to avoid any hassle or delay.
Yes, you can call us at 7311-160-111 and our receptionist will help in re-scheduling your appointment.
You can make payment online
If you’re within India: You can pay online using your bank debit card and credit card.
If you’re out of India: You can pay online using credit card and PayPal.
If you’re in Lucknow City: You can also make offline payment by visiting our clinic using credit card or cash.
Sorry but our Indian Payment plans are only available for Indian Residents or NRIs who are visiting our clinic physically.
The curability consultation session is for the assessment of your current condition and to give advise, after this session, you will have clarity on what the next step should be to begin the treatment process. No prescription will be provided in this consulting session.