Medicine Energy
Medicine Energy Transmission
It’s a method of treatment where medicine is transmitted as energy using the patient’s hair.
It was discovered by a well-known homeopath in India, the late Dr. B. Sahani of Patna.
It is just like the radio broadcast system or the Wi-Fi system. In this method of treatment, the patient does not have to take any kind of oral pills/medicine, injection or any type of ointment for whatever condition ails them. Instead, they are treated via medicine energy transmission. Basically, it is a method of healing the mind, body, and soul of a person as a whole through means of energy. Homeopathic medicines are in the form of energy, and energy can be transmitted like radio or mobile signals.
Your body and hair share the same DNA. Therefore the energy transmitted through your hair can only be received by your body.
Anything that has your DNA has the ability to transmit the energy back to you. Since the hair follicle at the base of human hair contains DNA, it is capable of transmitting the energy from hair back to the patient. In this method, a strand of hair is removed — either cut or uprooted from the scalp — and is inserted in the vial containing medicine with a little bit sticking out. That strand of hair is then able to transmit the benefits of the medicine back to the patient using energy transmission.
I have been a fan of this method for a long time but was initially hesitant to offer this treatment in my practice. I was worried about how my patients might react if I told them up front about the medicine energy transmission method. However, the results were so convincing that I decided to go public with it and make it my only method of treatment. I am a strict follower of classical homeopathy and have successfully treated patients suffering from severe, acute and chronic diseases throughout India and other countries using medicine energy transmission through hair.
Medicine energy transmission seems a bit like a miracle. A patient who is not local and lives far away can also be treated by the transmission of medicine energy through the patient’s hair. We use your hair as a transmitter to transmit the selected medicine energy back to your body. Since your hair carries the same DNA as your body, it forms the perfect channel for this method of treatment.
Medicine energy transmission is a very safe and healthy method of treating the patient. There is no known harmful side effect of this method at this time. Moreover, we physicians are bound by the oath to “do no harm,” always mindful to protect our patients from harm and injustice.
In case of any medical emergency when doctor is not available, we advise you to go immediately to the nearest hospital and consult with the local doctor to receive basic treatment.
Once your treatment is completed, your hair will either be destroyed or it will be given back to you, if you wish.
Energy medicine cannot be transmitted via crude materials, and garbage is crude material. Homeopathic medicines are in the form of energy that flows and works with your body’s own healing power to keep you healthy both physically and emotionally. In fact, even the allopathic medicine cannot be transmitted because it is a crude material. They cannot transmit the energy from one location to another.
No, you don’t need to give your hair every time you come for the treatment. It will be collected only once. In general, a single hair can be used for 5 to 10 years.
There is no need to worry about getting excessive medicine in energy transmission. This is because homeopathy is an energy medicine; your body will receive the energy at a rate as per your body requirement.
Benefits of medicine energy transmission
- It’s a hassle free process. No oral medicine is given to the patient so you do not need to worry about taking medicine daily nor having oral medication making you feel sick.
- Distance is no barrier for the patients. You can be anywhere in the world and this method of medication will work.
- Changing medicine is very easy and the new medication effects are reflected right away.
- In case of any aggravation, simply removing the hair from vial will work, you don’t need to take any antidote.
- It is a continuous process. The patient is receiving the medication 24x7 as long as the patient’s hair is placed in the remedy solution.
- It is the quickest method of treatment and the effects are seen very fast.
- Since there is no oral intake of medicine, this method can be used in religious fasting like Vrat and Ramjan without breaking or hurting the religious sentiments of the patient.
Watch these Videos for a better understanding of how Medicine Energy transmission works
English (Recorded Session of Dr. Ravi's Talk in Russia)
Here are some experiences of patients treated by Dr.Ravi with unique mode of medicine administration through hair.
Warts for 8 years Got cured in a Month
50 Years Long Chyluria got cured Testified Transmission 16 Feb 25
Chyluria For 18 Years getting Cured Testified Medicine Transmission
Chyluria Cured 3 Feb 2025 Testified Transmission
Treatment Experience for CSF Rhinorrhea with Medicine transmission through hair
Recovery from 5-Year-Long Ugly Warts on Hand Using Medicine Transmission Through Hair in Homeopathy
Followup IBS Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Chyluria Wonderful Results
Wonderful improvement in 5 years Long Tinea trouble 16 Oct2024
Chyluria cured 15 Oct case who Doubted about Transmission
Got 100 % cured for IBS 8 Oct 2024
Relieved from Day 1 Followup 6 Sep 2024
Followup after 1 years no recurrence of trouble 9 July 2024 Verruca Plana
Scalp Folliculitis for 28 Years and Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Getting Cured
Adenoid Got cured 25 May testified the transmission thanked Dr Ravi
Scalp folliculitis Got cured 26 May 2024
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis and Hyperhidrosis Got cured 22 May 2024
Blepharospasm Cured Treatment Experience 30 April 2024
Flat warts for 1 years Got cured in a week 3 May 2024
Followup of Verruca planna cured Case after 5 years
95 % got cured for her Exfoliating chelitis lips
Chyluria Since 8 Years Case From Mumbai Followup 23 April
90 % better in Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Happy Patient 4 April 2024 Case From Indore
Warts For 6 Years Got Cured